Data is a collection of facts, such as numbers, words, measurements, observations or even just descriptions of things.
Qualitative vs Quantitative
Data can be qualitative or quantitative
- Qualitative data is descriptive information (it describes something)
- Quantitative data is numerical information (numbers)
Quantitative data can also be Discrete or Continuous.
- Discrete data can only take certain values (like whole numbers)
- Continuous data can take any value (within a range)
More Examples:
- Your friends' favorite holiday destination
- The most common given names in your town
- How people describe the smell of a new perfume
- Height (Continuous)
- Weight (Continuous)
- Petals on a flower (Discrete)
- Customers in a shop (Discrete)
Now, Let's try some exercises!
I find this post to be extremely useful. Especially the part about over examples. Thank you!